Why do we do what we do?
“Because we all suffer the same”
Located in Rogers County, north of Claremore in NE Oklahoma, Wild Heart Ranch is a State and Federally licensed rehabilitation facility for all species of wildlife needing orphan support, injury treatment or disease recovery. With a dedicated staff of volunteers, Board of Directors & sponsors, Wild Heart is a stable and capable place where all wild animals can receive professional medical and supportive care until they can be released back in the wild. At the end of 2022, more than 90,000 wild animals have left our facility with a second chance at survival. Claremore veterinarian, Doctor Lesleigh Cash of Hooves Paws and Claws animal clinic, has dedicated her skills and time to provide medical treatment and advise care since Wild Heart Ranch first opened its doors, and Dr. Lilla Haverstick volunteers her time “in house” to ensure the animals are all on track. The veterinary team at the Tulsa Zoo lends their time and hospital for the bald eagles that regularly arrive at Wild Heart.

Founder, Director and head Wildlife Rehabilitator, Annette King ensures that every animal receives individual care tailored to their needs, species and stress tendencies. She teaches her staff to put themselves into the mind of the animal and remember that everything we have to do for the animals may terrify them. Gentle hands, nutritious food and lots of respect and understanding as well as;
“You can’t raise healthy animals in a dirty environment!” -Annette King
Spring of 2023 marked the completion of the 100 acre facility and the last structure was finished. There is no debt on the facility which helps secure the future of this important and necessary mission.
Wild Heart Ranch intakes wildlife in need every day from 9am to 5pm and later during spring and summer as needed. Please call before transporting.

Our Credo
We are a wildlife rehabilitation facility. Our mission is not for personal gain, but to work as an instrument of compassion and provide a haven for those who have no person to claim responsibility. We are proud of the way we spend our time on this Earth, and of the results of our labor, for we do it not for the recognition or the rewards of mankind, but for the nurturing of our own spirit as well as those who find their way into our hands. We will not boast of our skills, but seek pride as the proof of our talent runs again free and whole into the wood. It is at that moment that God smiles upon us and says;
‘Job well done.’ That is why we are here.
Let our desire for their freedom
be the strongest motivation that brings us here
Annette King

Our Mission
We are Wild Heart Ranch Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center.
Our chosen purpose is to:
- Provide medical or infant support to any indigenous wild animal in need of assistance and release it into suitable wild habitat once care is completed.
- Refrain from imprinting the animal to its human caretakers during its stay in captivity and never intrude on their privacy without cause.
- Using social media, educate the public about the wild animals in our area and teach a genuine appreciation and respect of their needs and characteristics, promoting conservation, respect and coexistence.
- Educate ourselves in the care and needs of each species that we experience so that all animals receive complete, professional and individual care.
- Maintain our facility in the most stringent of cleaning and organizational standards to prevent errors, disease, infection and hazards to both humans and animals
- ALWAYS respond with patience when faced with ignorance and remember that not all the world has seen through our eyes or cared with our hands
- Only kind hands on an animal. Always.
- NEVER cage a wild animal a day longer than necessary, and give the kindness of relief from suffering when suffering has no end.
We do not allow visitors as we operate as a hospital and infant care center for wildlife, who require privacy and quiet to relax and eat, heal and grow. We display our work daily on our Facebook page. Please follow us to keep up to date on all our charges.
Drop offs of animals, supplies, donations are always welcome and yes, we do need volunteers! Please call or email us for information.